Author: kellydj2014

I Told You So


Today’s Autumn Statement of tax hikes, giving the U.K. the highest tax burden in 70 years (at 35.5% of GDP), is a direct consequence of the disastrous decisions taken during the pandemic to borrow and spend so much on lockdowns and other measures, the Telegraph has said in a leading article today.

This time last year, the country was still in the grip of a Covid pandemic panic. Despite the vaccination of much of the country, a surge in cases and a rise in hospitalisations caused by new variants led to the reimposition of mask wearing and other controls. At one point, it appeared that Christmas would be cancelled again until the Cabinet pushed back against scientific pressure for a new lockdown. Rishi Sunak, then chancellor of the Exchequer, was among the strongest voices opposing further mandatory restrictions because of the impact on the public finances. But even so the Treasury had to dig deep into the national coffers again.

A year ago, Mr. Sunak may have had his doubts about the wisdom of yet more spending but he had already presided over the biggest peacetime accumulation of debt, ostensibly to sustain the economy through the pandemic shock. His difficulty now that he is in No 10 is that the bills must be paid. Today’s Autumn Statement, likely to be the most painful fiscal retrenchment for decades, is at least in part the consequence of a series of wrong decisions that has left the U.K. in a worse position than most other similar countries.

The war in Ukraine and its knock-on effects on energy and inflation add to the woes, the Telegraph says. “But the real context for his statement and for the country’s – and the world’s – economic woes is the pandemic and specifically the lockdowns it engendered.” Ministers became “excessively cautious when it became clear that the risk to the wider population was smaller than feared” and “this continued even after vaccines were available”. The goal of protecting the NHS was misplaced as it was “operating at well under capacity throughout”.

Yet now the growing backlog of routine treatments is “hindering the economic recovery because so many are off work” while “much younger people are dying as a result of late diagnoses of conditions that might have been treatable had they been caught earlier”. With excess deaths running high despite the expected mortality displacement of the pandemic, the aim of protecting the NHS has “engineered a health crisis whose long-term impact will be greater than Covid”.

Some attempt should have been made to “carry out a cost-benefit analysis of lockdowns”, the Telegraph says, as “no Government had ever planned for putting the economy into a coma and then expecting it to wake up raring to go”. Yet the opposition would have “locked down for longer and borrowed more” so has no grounds to criticise. Today’s Autumn Statement is thus the “reckoning” for lockdowns, the Telegraph says.

D. Kelly                                The Daily Gloater                        18/11/22

See all blogs from 23 March, 2020. Cassandra Rules.

The Disappeared

One fifth of pupils missing – DT, 16/11/22

A DfE spokesman said: “We know the importance of a consistent education for children’s life chances which is why we have put in a range of measures to help drive up pupil attendance.”

These include:

  • Closing all schools down for the past two years for months at a time forcing young people into house arrest with limited opportunities for on-line learning (see public schools)
  • Opening and closing them randomly for no rhyme or reason except to disorientate pupils and spread confusion and despair.
  • Giving in to the teachers’ union, the NEA, to keep schools closed indefinitely for spurious health and safety reasons, thus ensuring teachers have fully-paid leave indefinitely.
  • Buggering about with examinations to ensure that those qualifications awarded from 2020 on are pure grade inflation and have no academic validity at all.
  • Allowing universities to do the same with knobs on rendering degrees useless and lecturers dispensable.
  • Destroying what should have been a rich university experience by enforcing home study whilst still compelling students to pay large sums for accommodation they could not use and gross tuition fees for no tuition and worthless qualifications.
  • Backing Gavin Williamson to the hilt in his bid to become the worst Education Secretary in history, enjoying the full confidence of Boris Johnson.
  • In short, increasing severe mental health problems for millions of youngsters, exemplified by the fact that since 2020 we have succeeded in losing 20% of the school population, just like that, and devaluing educational awards and standards to rival the Weimar Republic.
  • And all at incalculable cost to the public purse and long-term damage to young people and their families for generations to come.

Decline, Fall & Collapse

It is said that the decline of an empire, civilisation, or society takes a very long time. The decay and degeneration are almost imperceptible. Almost. But when the fall and the collapse of a civilisation come, they come with frightening rapidity. The skin stretched so tightly over the feeble skeleton concealing the hollowing out from the inside will tear, rip, and lie in tatters and only when it’s too late will we face the irreparable collapse of our once ‘civilised’ society.

And it will be as ugly, terrifying and rapid, utterly out of our control as the worst depredations of revolution or war.. The notional pillars of society, government, policing, justice system, education structures, health provision, banking and the very meaning of money will be smashed to smithereens with no-one to put them together again.

We will then see ourselves as we are: Humpty Dumpty – bogus, hollow, fat but empty, mere shells tumbling into destitution like everything around us.

What can be done? Look around you – nothing. It’s too late now

On the 12th of November, 2022, we can survey our country and see no succour in sight, only cadres  of striking workers in every profession from high to low, wave upon wave of them, all demanding money that no longer exists from a bankrupt government and a bankrupt state.

Where do we begin to excise this rottenness, these multiple tumours metastasizing through the body politic? Terminal and aggressive. What we need to cut out will leave nothing worth saving. Put the patient on palliative care: drug them with lies, false promises all the stale nostrums of the last fifty years.

So, go quietly? Or rage against . . . ourselves?

Woe, Woe and Thrice Woe Squared

Major, Cameron/Clegg, Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak.

Has there ever been a more lamentable chain-gang of Tory PMs?

Williamson is known as a notorious shit, an utter bastard, the worst Education Secretary in memory, a dreadful minister of Defence, there is no role in government that he has NOT FUCKED UP AND A VITRIOLIC PARTY REPTILE TO BOOT . The most vicious Chief Whip on record (cf tarantula and horse whip in his Whip’s Office).

And Boris gave him a knighthood for ‘Services to Education’ (Pass the sick bag, Marjorie) and then squeaky clean Rishi,  knowing all of this, having sat across the Cabinet table with Sir Git AND being told directly by Tory Party Chairman Jake Berry about Mad Gav’s vile conduct, he STILL WENT AHEAD AND GAVE THE SHIT A CABINET SINECURE!!!

Well, Fuck off Sunak, you stinking hypocrite. You’re finished. Clean teeth, DIRTY HANDS and NO FUCKING SCRUPLES!!!

RIP parliamentary democracy. Reptiles the lot of them

Don’t vote, it only encourages them.





Above            NOTA

The Height of Folly

The Wrong, the Short and the Tall

 The height of the last 8 PMs, according to google, is as follows:

  1. Liz Truss:                   5’ 3”
  2. Boris Johnson:          5’ 9”
  3. Theresa May:            5′8″
  4. David Cameron:        6′1″
  5. Gordon Brown:         5′11″
  6. Tony Blair:                 6’ 0″
  7. John Major:               6’ 0″
  8. Margaret Thatcher:   5’ 5”

                   Jim Callaghan: 6’ 1”

                   Lord Salisbury: 6’ 4” (tallest PM ever)

International Comparison:     Vladimir Putin:  5’ 7” (allegedly)

Shortest UK PM before Liz Truss:

Spencer Perceaval: 5’ 4”  (assassinated in House of Commons on 11 May, 1812)

Conclusion: Not only is Liz Truss the shortest PM ever, she also recorded the shortest time in office, 44 days.


No-one Expected The Spanish Inquisition

No-one Expected The Spanish Inquisition

Cults and fanatics love heretics. Heresy is meat and drink to them, it gives them reason to live. From the Spanish Inquisition of the 15th century to the Stalin Show Trials of the 1930s, they love finding some poor soul who has the temerity to think for himself, torturing him and then burning him or her alive. Or in Stalin’s case, Guilt is given and miscreants are publicly humiliated and terrified in the dock before being marched out to face a firing squad or be dispatched to a freezing Siberian gulag to die of starvation or just freeze to death. Mr Navalny is the latest recipient of this glorious eradication of heresy (in his case publicising the fact of President Putin’s insanely lavish pleasure dome by the Black Sea, Versailles in Russian. It cost over £3 million, it is said, pretty good going for a servant of the people. No matter, vile persecution of heretics is a price well worth paying pour encorager les autres.

What is most impressive about these robust investigations and arraignments of all these heretics is the time it must have taken:

  • Spy networks to expose dissenters
  • Copious note-taking as indisputable evidence
  • Securing eye-witness testimony
  • Rigging up torture chambers for the grand inquisitions
  • All the palaver involved in burning someone at the stake.
  • And the stench of burning flesh and hair takes some getting used to.
  • Stalin’s tireless efforts to drive the NKDV to unearth more and more traitors, spending hour after hour, day after day in grubby, smoke-filled cells in Lubjanka Prison, questioning suspects, threatening them and their families, goading them into naming any associate, friend, colleague or family member as the real spy, the real traitor until the prison was bursting with poor benighted Muscovites giving away all and sundry.
  • Joe McCarthy, the senator for Wisconsin, would have loved it. His witch-hunt for communists in America in the 1950s fronted as the House Un-American Activities Committee. He sought Reds under the bed here, there and everywhere, from Hollywood to Manhattan, tireless in his determination to get everyone to grass in everyone.

Hard work, I think you’ll admit. If only there was some simple way to identify heretics at a glance.

Hmmmmm . . . .

What if we all wore masks, everywhere, everyone, as proof that we followed the one true faith? Then anyone who wasn’t wearing a mask would clearly be a heretic, a non-believer, an infidel.

Let’s not mince words: a traitor, a Covid-denier, a selfish, cold-hearted bastard who didn’t care how many people died as he made his way maskless through this world, like Satan strolling out of Eden.

And if masks and say, house arrest were commanded by the government and enforced by the police, the mask-less man is the criminal – an enemy of society.

If only King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile and Joe Stalin and Joe McCarthy and Vladimir Putin had worked out this mask trick they’d have saved themselves a lot of time and dealt even more firmly with even more heretics.

I know this because I have been maskless since April 2020. In that time I have been challenged twice at the entrance to a store. I reply that I have a medical exemption card. They wave me through. No-one has ever asked to see the card, even though it exists and nestles cosily in my wallet.

What is more consequential is the behaviour of people in the street (the sheep). They wear masks outdoors. They wear masks in cars even when alone. They step out of my way as if I were a leper. They are scared of everyone around them. They’re scared of their own shadows. The level of fear engineered by governments and mad scientists is shocking. I receive accusing looks from masked shoppers in supermarkets. Not the staff at the tills, they couldn’t give a minkey’s, as Inspector Clouseau would say.

Fact: Coronavirus is spread by an infected person coughing or sneezing, The expelled droplets are the sole vehicles of the virus which can only live from mouth to mouth.

Fact: The virus cannot survive on garments, surfaces or inanimate objects. Only human oral transmission passes on the virus.

Fact: Masks, Social Distancing, Anti-septic sprays are a waste of time and have scarcely any effect on suppressing the virus.

Fact: Even if you were infected the risk of being seriously ill or dying is less than 0.5% of the population. Over 99.5% of people experience little or no ill effects from Covid-19.

In a remarkable reversion to the 15th century, scientists are this very day mounting their own Inquisition of healthy free citizens, keenly supported by a democratically elected government. Even the Kremlin couldn’t do what Boris, Patrick, Chris and Matt have wrought.

So if you agree with me, DUMP THE MASK.

  Biden – His Time

                  Biden – His Time

Former President Barack Obama (2008-2016) famously observed of his Veep:

Never underestimate Joe’s ability to screw up.

Commander-in-Chief and current US President Joe Biden has never had a greater opportunity to screw up (everybody and everything).

Woken-Token-Jokin’-Chokin’ Joe

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Meet Sleepy Joe and Kamala – the Lord and Lady Gaga of politics

Not for the first time, Joe Biden was late for his own press conference. Before he got round to Afghanistan, he wanted to deliver an update on his administration’s response to Tropical Storm Henri, which had earlier made landfall in Rhode Island. The President had just been briefed by the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA. ‘I can’t think of anyone better to lead this operation than, er, um, er . . . ’ he mumbled, as he hastily consulted his notes. Biden couldn’t even remember the name of the woman in charge of FEMA, someone he had been speaking to just a couple of minutes earlier. Not only that, she was sitting in front of him. Millions of television viewers saw Sleepy Joe experience yet another embarrassing senior moment.

This latest lapse of memory was reminiscent of the scene during a presidential visit to a Michigan farm shop recently. The female assistant behind the ice cream counter asked him a fairly straightforward question about Russian cyber hacking. A baffled Biden had to reach into his jacket pocket and fish out a fistful of cue cards before he could read his answer. While conservative news outlets such as Fox made fun of the President, the overwhelmingly pro-Democrat mainstream media gave him a free pass.

But now, as I wrote here last Tuesday, even the patience of anti-Trump TV channels and newspapers has evaporated. Since the fall of Kabul, Biden has come under attack from both sides of the political divide. His fitness for office is being openly questioned.

It’s not only card-carrying Republicans calling for his resignation, although there are plenty of them around right now. Perhaps the most prominent, and best qualified, is Texas congressman Ronny Jackson. A retired U.S. Navy rear admiral, Jackson was appointed to the White House medical unit by George W. Bush and served as official physician to Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Back in October last year, during the presidential election campaign, Jackson stated publicly about Biden: ‘I am concerned that he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability, to serve as our commander-in-chief and head of state. ’After Biden’s initial bumbling response to the Taliban takeover, Jackson tweeted: ‘If he’s not mentally capable of handling this crisis, he needs to resign IMMEDIATELY.’

Fourteen Republican members of Congress have written an open letter demanding that Biden takes a formal cognitive ability test, which Trump passed in 2018 after the Democrats accused him of senility. The President is refusing, presumably because his close associates aren’t even confident that he can remember his own name these days. Biden’s overall approval ratings have now fallen below 50 per cent, which is par for the course in a country which remains bitterly divided. More significant was an NBC News poll showing that six out of ten think he’s screwed up in Afghanistan.

Over the past week, I’ve spoken to Americans from all walks of life and political affiliations, including a former marine who served three tours of duty in Afghanistan, and an ex-New York fireman who took part in the Twin Towers rescue and lost two close friends on 9/11. However they voted last year, and no matter how badly they wanted the troops out of Afghanistan, they have all been fiercely critical of the manner of America’s chaotic withdrawal. That the world’s foremost military superpower has been humbled by a bunch of cavemen with AK47s is a source of abiding shame.

Whichever way Biden and his few remaining apologists try to paint it, there’s no escaping the fact that the scuttle from Kabul is a humiliating defeat. The Taliban is now dictating terms. American citizens stranded in Afghanistan can’t even get through to the airport. Meanwhile, Biden’s critics can’t avoid contrasting the siege of Kabul airport with the ease with which millions of illegal immigrants are able to flood across America’s southern border. The anger and bewilderment has been reflected by former Biden cheerleaders in the Left-leaning American media, who have been unable to conceal their disappointment in the President and his administration.

Biden’s betrayal of all those who have fought, died or have been gravely wounded in Afghanistan has been compounded by him leaving America’s allies — primarily the British military — high and dry. Boris Johnson will try to talk him round in a Zoom call today but is probably on a hiding to nothing. Despite declaring that America was back on the world stage, Biden has walked away. The former marine I spoke to is not alone in wondering whether the sacrifice of the past 20 years was worth it. The biggest worry for Americans now is that there’s still at least three and a half years of the Biden presidency. Millions of people agree with physician Ronny Jackson’s diagnosis. What they see on their TV screens is a decrepit 78-year-old President seemingly in the advanced stages of senile dementia. When I watched his shambolic press conference on Sunday, the tune ringing in my head was the 1966 novelty hit by Napoleon XIV: They’re coming to take me away, Ha-Haaa! But even if the men in white coats come calling for Biden, what next? No one can seriously welcome the prospect of his Vice President Kamala Harris replacing him.

Last week, I described her as ‘giggly’. On Sunday, she proved me right yet again, dissolving into manic laughter when reporters tried to question her as she descended from a plane in Singapore. You’d never guess that she used to be considered a shrewd public prosecutor. She was last seen in public hiding behind a black facemask at a press conference alongside Biden. It was as if the Taliban had taken Washington, as well as Kabul. As a couple, they looked like Lord and Lady Gaga. Don’t forget, either, that Harris was the first Democrat ejected from the primary race to choose the party’s presidential candidate last time around. That was after she accused front runner Biden — the man she now understudies — of being a racist. Yet today she’s a heartbeat away from the presidency, a frightening prospect. Some Democrats are said already to be plotting ways to stop her succeeding Biden as Commander-in-chief. But if not Harris, then who? Third in line under the constitution is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the Wicked Witch of the West. At 81, she’s even older than Biden and was last spotted, as Kabul fell, at a $29,000-a-plate fundraiser under the Californian sun. The Democrats, and by extension America, are hardly spoiled for choice. There’s no princeling Bill Clinton or Barack Obama on the immediate horizon.

Meanwhile, gloating in the wings at his Mar-a-Lago compound in Palm Beach, is one Donald J. Trump, still maintaining that the last election was stolen from him and threatening to run again in 2024. The last thing a divided and wounded America needs is a re-run of the Trump circus. Probably the Republicans would be best served by choosing a new young candidate such as Florida’s impressive 42-year-old governor Ron DeSantis. But he’ll only get the nod with Trump’s blessing. For now, the U.S. — and what remains of the free world — is lumbered with Sleepy Joe, a man so befuddled that he’ll probably turn up late for his own political funeral.

24 August, 2021.

ABC News is accused of editing Biden’s car-crash interview to avoid him seeming ‘incoherent and confused’: Transcripts from unaired segments reveal he mistakenly said his son Beau served in the Navy in Afghanistan not the Army elsewhere

  • Joe Biden’s interview on Wednesday with ABC News was highly controversial
  • The president, in a defiant discussion, said chaos in Afghanistan was inevitable
  • On Thursday ABC published the full transcript of Biden’s remarks
  • The transcript contained elements which were not broadcast on Wednesday
  • Biden said his late son Beau had fought in Afghanistan – then corrected himself 
  • He also said Beau was in the Navy, before correcting that to the Army
  • Tucker Carlson accused ABC of editing the interview to flatter the president 


ABC News has been accused of editing its Wednesday night interview with Joe Biden to flatter the president, removing mumbled statements and lapses of memory.Biden’s interview with George Stephanopoulos was criticized for his claim that the chaos in Afghanistan this week was inevitable.

But on Thursday, when the full transcript was published by ABC, it emerged that chunks of it were edited out. Biden falsely claimed that his son Beau, who died of a brain tumour in May 2015, aged 46, had served in Afghanistan. He then corrected himself and said it was Iraq, but he also claimed Beau was in the Navy, when in fact he was in the Army. 

The president again had to correct himself.

Joe Biden spoke to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday night. On Thursday the transcript was published, which showed that parts of his remarks, where he tied himself in verbal knots, were not included

‘Toward the end of his interview with ABC there was a telling exchange,’ said Tucker Carlson, Fox News host, on Thursday evening. ‘That exchange was never broadcast on camera. ‘Now television networks edit interviews very often for time. ‘But ABC News appears to have edited out portions that made Joe Biden look – how to put it. Not presidential. Incoherent. Confused.’ Carlson then read from the transcript.

Asked by Stephanopoulos why the U.S. could not have withdrawn from Afghanistan with dignity, Biden’s response was jumbled. ‘Look, that’s like askin’ my deceased son Beau, who spent six months in Kosovo and a year in Iraq as a Navy captain and then major– I mean, as an Army major,’ Biden said.  ‘And, you know, I’m sure h– he had regrets comin’ out of Afganista– I mean, out of Iraq. ‘He had regrets to what’s– how– how it’s going. But the idea– what’s the alternative? The alternative is why are we staying in Afghanistan? Why are we there?’ Biden has struggled to overcome a stutter ever since he was a boy, and has been open about the challenges of public speaking, and the decades of work he put in to improving his presentation.

Yet Carlson suggested that the moment was more significant than a stutter. ‘We think it’s worth knowing what happened, especially in a moment of national crisis,’ Carlson said. ‘We are not attacking him, we are not telling you this with glee – we are telling you this because it’s true. The scary thing about Afghanistan is that it reveals American weakness. And weakness begets aggression.’ He said that Biden’s remarks revealed ‘weakness at the heart of government.’ 

Journalist Michael Tracey remarked: ‘Seems suspicious that ABC has only released a small fragment of video from this incredibly garbled transcript.’ And another Twitter user added: ‘I support Pres. Biden’s decision to depart Afghanistan despite the apparent incompetence in its execution.  ‘But reading this word salad interview transcript fits right along with the latter observation….’ has reached out to ABC News for comment.          23/08/21

Biden Says We May Need To Reinvade Afghanistan As They Have Weapons Of Mass Destruction Which We Gave Them, D.C.—In a stirring address to the nation, Biden sadly announced that we may soon have to invade Afghanistan once again after intelligence reports revealed they may have weapons of mass destruction, which we gave to them last week. 

“Listen, folks, I know it seems like just last week since we were in Afghanistan,” he said, “but it looks like we may have to go back. As it turns out, there are terrorists who now have weapons of mass destruction since we gave them weapons of mass destruction just the other day. Too bad! We have no other choice!” 

The administration then announced they will be mobilizing 85,000 troops to reinvade the country and seize the weapons of mass destruction before the terrorists have a chance to use them. Then they will stay behind for 2 or 20 years to make sure nothing bad happens before abruptly leaving in the middle of the night since that worked so well last time. 

“This time, we’ll make sure to grab all our stuff before we leave!” Biden assured the public. 

Who Decides If Presidents Are Unfit to Serve?

American presidents are not required to pass mental health exams or psychological and psychiatric evaluations before taking office in the United States. But some psychologists and members of Congress have called for such mental health exams for candidates following the 2016 election of Republican Donald Trump. Even members of Trump’s own administration expressed concern about his “erratic behaviour” in office. The president described himself as a “very stable genius.”

The idea of requiring presidential candidates to undergo mental health exams is not new, though. In the mid-1990s, former President Jimmy Carter pushed for the creation of a panel of physicians who would routinely evaluate the most powerful politician in the free world and decide whether their judgment was clouded by a mental disability. “Many people have called to my attention the continuing danger to our nation from the possibility of a U.S. president becoming disabled, particularly by a neurologic illness,” Carter wrote in a December 1994 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Monitoring a President’s Health

Carter’s suggestion led to the creation in 1994 of the Working Group on Presidential Disability, whose members later proposed a nonpartisan, standing medical commission “to monitor the president’s health and issue periodic reports to the country.” Carter envisioned a panel of expert physicians who were not directly involved in the care of the president determining whether he had a disability.

“If the president of the United States must decide within minutes how to respond to a dire emergency, its citizens expect him or her to be mentally competent and to act wisely,” wrote Dr. James Toole, a professor of neurology at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina, who worked with the group. “Because the presidency of the United States is now the world’s most powerful office, should its incumbent become even temporarily unable to exercise good judgment, the consequences for the world could be unimaginably far-reaching.”

There is currently no such standing medical commission in place, however, to observe a sitting president’s decision-making. The sole test of a candidate’s physical and mental fitness to serve in the White House is the rigor of the campaign trail and election process.

Psychiatrists Can’t Diagnose Candidates

The American Psychiatric Association banned its members from offering opinions about elected officials or candidates for office after 1964 when a group of them called Republican Barry Goldwater unfit for office. Wrote the association:

On occasion psychiatrists are asked for an opinion about an individual who is in the light of public attention or who has disclosed information about himself/herself through public media. In such circumstances, a psychiatrist may share with the public his or her expertise about psychiatric issues in general. However, it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.

The policy became known as the Goldwater Rule.

Who Decides If a President Is Unfit to Serve?

So if there’s no mechanism in place by which an independent panel of health experts is able to evaluate a sitting president, who decides when there might be a problem with his decision-making process? The president himself, which is the problem.

Presidents have gone out of their way to hide their ailments from the public and, more importantly, their political enemies. Among the most notable in modern history was John F. Kennedy, who didn’t let the public know about his colitis, prostatitis, Addison’s disease, and osteoporosis of the lower back. While those ailments certainly would not have precluded him from taking office, Kennedy’s reluctance to disclose the pain he suffered illustrates the lengths to which presidents go to conceal health problems.

Section 3 of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was ratified in 1967, allows a sitting president, members of his cabinet, or, in extraordinary circumstances, Congress, to transfer his responsibilities to his vice president until he has recovered from a mental or physical ailment.

The amendment reads, in part:

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

The problem with the constitutional amendment, however, is that it relies on a president or his cabinet to determine when he is unable to perform the duties of the office.

American Constitution                                                17 September, 1787

Unfit for Human Conversation

Unfit for Human Conversation

A team of EU research scientists conducted an extensive survey across all 27 member states over a period of five years (2012 – 20167) into Psychology and Communication. The summary of their research report and its findings listed the following behaviours as rendering an individual or individuals unfit for human conversation.

  1. Ceaseless interruptions
  2. Complaining about ceaseless interruptions.
  3. Turning one’s back and moving some way off to take up another task whilst appearing to continue the now non-existent conversation.
  4. Rendering conversation redundant by turning on radio and/or starting noisy kitchen device, eg blender.
  5. Reluctantly turning round with a sigh to respond to an inaudible comment.
  6. More sighing and eye-rolling at a request to turn the radio off in order to have an audible conversation.
  7. Refusing to turn radio off and stalking out of kitchen to another room, still to all intents and purposes keeping this ‘conversation’ going.
  8. Silence ist Verboten: when Significant Other (SO) has moved from chilly kitchen to warm living room and has found a programme on TV to his taste, (eg The Kominsky Method), UnCo joins him remarking on how it was she who had first recommended the show. The SO agrees and thanks her for the good advice. As opening credits conclude and main character begins very soulful and thoughtful monologue (critical to the opening scene of the opening episode) to his New York acting students requiring close, sustained attention, as UnCo knew having seen it before, she interrupts the intense scene  with inane remarks. When SO asks for silence so he can immerse himself in the scene in the show so highly recommended by UnCo, she harrumphs and throws a hissy fit with declarations of “So rude” and “So ungrateful” and “How dare you” and so on until SO gives up and switches TV off. At which point UnCo stalks off into the kitchen muttering, “Well, I’m still cooking your meal, without so much as a thank you.” Post-menopausal flouncing at its best. SO is left gazing at a blank screen, realising that whatever he tries to immerse himself in will be interrupted from the start in order to prove incontrovertibly his miserabilism, arrogance and intolerance. SO ponders the attractions of suicide.
  9. Phone addiction, a disease which presents as a complete inability to ignore a ring-tone. Whatever activity or dialogue the addict is involved in is suspended indefinitely during the duration of the call which must be answered. The call is never an emergency, of course. Never. Only Emergency Services receive emergency calls.
  10. The task suspended for the duration and now out of sight, out of mind to the addict can range from leaving a pot or pan of oil on a hot stove to boil or burn, with or without ingredients, to leaving a dependent (eg wheelchair bound SO) to fend for himself regardless of track history of minimal mobility, maximum incontinence and no means of paging for assistance.
  11. Any hint of demur at this conduct will infuriate the addict who will invariably smash something down, the burning pan, the incontinence devices requested, anything but the phone, of course, with a deal of eye-bulging, face-twisting, self-righteous rage at SO’s ingratitude.
  12. The SO quickly learns the essential lesson: say as little as possible. Safety lies that way and that way alone.

An Elegy for Liz Truss, R.I.P.

O how the flighty are maulen!

O how the Kwasi are Kwashed!

O how frankly appallin’!

How Poor Little Lizzie got squashed!

Now Jeremy’s driving the bus,

Poor Liz’s policy’s kaput!

Dear Dr Hunt makes no fuss,

He smiles as he cuts and he cuts.

Our Penny lies over the front bench,

Our Rishi has not crossed the sea.

O Penny, you bosomy, bountiful wench,

O bring back our Rishi to me!

On behalf of the Conservative and Disunionist Party

Orgy of Bess


Having observed the late Queen solely via television and the press since her coronation in 1953, (I was 2 at the time), I am convinced of one thing: she loathed ostentation. Ceremonial duties aside, she deplored extravagance in everything from breakfast to holidays. Her wardrobe, her interests, her activities and her instincts always inclined to the sensible, the humdrum, the dull, if you like. And this was her essential sanity. This was the harness that kept her on the throne for 70 years, the core that kept her level-headed and circumspect. There was no ‘I’, no ‘Me’, only ‘My husband and I’ or the evident duties of state.

So I doubt that in the 10 days since her passing, on the day of her burial she would be looking on with delight at the nation’s orgy of conspicuous mourning. Distaste, more likely. She served the nation, yes, in the stale cliché of headlines, but as her people, the ones whose loyalty en masse preserved her on the throne for so long. But the ceaseless torrent of emotional drainage harks back to Diana’s death and we know full well how much the late Queen liked parading her feelings in public.

None of those who lined the streets of London in September, 1997 knew the Princess of Wales other than via media hysteria. Very few could have met her even briefly. Synthetic emotion inexplicably took hold of the British, an emotion sedulously cultivated by the Prime Minister of the day to the point of coercing the Royal Family to abandon their private mourning at Balmoral and hasten to London to exhibit their complex feelings before the motley.

It is for this reason that the late Queen had a lasting abhorrence of Tony Blair. Not that he cared. He was more interested in ‘the people’s princess’ (cringe) and his own moral vanity and self-promotion. I watched the broadcast where he uttered that dreadful phrase. The calculated catch in his throat marked him as a ham actor, something that ran through his own life in politics and after. And presumption, of course.

So, what next? I don’t mean King Charles III or his Queen Consort but the media – the telly, the press. What on earth will they do now? I fear a re-run of the recent palaver is on its way. There’s nothing on the telly. Not now. And all the distraught, grief-stricken people? They’ll have to go to the doctor’s (if they’re open) and get a prescription or require a spell of furlough to get over the trauma. And who could refuse them?

Liz Truss?