Decline, Fall & Collapse

It is said that the decline of an empire, civilisation, or society takes a very long time. The decay and degeneration are almost imperceptible. Almost. But when the fall and the collapse of a civilisation come, they come with frightening rapidity. The skin stretched so tightly over the feeble skeleton concealing the hollowing out from the inside will tear, rip, and lie in tatters and only when it’s too late will we face the irreparable collapse of our once ‘civilised’ society.

And it will be as ugly, terrifying and rapid, utterly out of our control as the worst depredations of revolution or war.. The notional pillars of society, government, policing, justice system, education structures, health provision, banking and the very meaning of money will be smashed to smithereens with no-one to put them together again.

We will then see ourselves as we are: Humpty Dumpty – bogus, hollow, fat but empty, mere shells tumbling into destitution like everything around us.

What can be done? Look around you – nothing. It’s too late now

On the 12th of November, 2022, we can survey our country and see no succour in sight, only cadres  of striking workers in every profession from high to low, wave upon wave of them, all demanding money that no longer exists from a bankrupt government and a bankrupt state.

Where do we begin to excise this rottenness, these multiple tumours metastasizing through the body politic? Terminal and aggressive. What we need to cut out will leave nothing worth saving. Put the patient on palliative care: drug them with lies, false promises all the stale nostrums of the last fifty years.

So, go quietly? Or rage against . . . ourselves?

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